Wednesday, 15 February 2012

veiled sadness.....


a veiled face, a burqa clad women..
 the gesture of surrender.. the heavy sigh as she leans over on the framework of the over-bridge.. through the hidden veil flows her tears...none notice, none care.... among all the amputed and time wrinkled beggars she stood out... faceless she was but even then she emitted a great misery... all lost, helpless...i wanted to reach out for her, comfort her..but like many others i rushed towards the platform.. like all the drones going for work i headed out for college.. but she was on my mind all the while.. a tremor, a defeated shrug , like all that was warm seeped out ... it was valentines day.. a celebration of love.. are we so blind and selfish that we choose to ignore the distress calls??.. is valentines day just celebration with your loved one and not the collective same species love... more refined way is humanism?!.. chuck valentine day and all the rubbish of love in the air, if one cant empathise or be compassionate....

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