Monday, 20 February 2012

TIME- the beginning of an endless end.....

its got a peculiar relative property, and i bet the peculiarity hasn't gone unnoticed! people with the capability of utilising 3 or more than 3% of their brain power wonder and figure out theories to estimate and study it like the highly controversial theory of relativity by Einstein (hats off to his imaginative powers!) but for a lame and ordinary man with average IQ levels time is an entity.. a fourth dimension like many would want to consider... its equation (my conclusions have been)ie the passage of time is inversely proportional to what one wants!! 

for example: the many times you want the time to go by fast like when you are writing the last exam of the semester, or when you are cramped up in a train with a particularly fat person smelling not so pleasant, or the many awkward moments one has to seems to slog on for what would have been a whole milena of trampling dinosaurs!
on the contrary, the bizillions of times when you want the seconds to tick in a pace slower than the snail or sloth it takes to its fancy to race by the minutes like pico seconds! 

time seems infinite having no dimensions but still it has its beginning but never an end.. after every hour comes the next and so is the infinite loop.. we all are stuck in spiders web of time.. it has always been a bitch.. a witchy bitch!

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