Sunday, 12 February 2012

nannis will remain nannis!!!!

Through all the millions of years of human evolution i am pretty much sure that the relationship between nanny and grandchild has never changed... since a kid nanny is one of the “bestest” person on a child’s favorite person list... a general image of nanny being of a basic potato shaped cuddly warm thing with chubby fingers and a warm smile...

My dimu is no different! She practically full-fills all the categories.. a brilliant cook, a good story teller (especially herar deem).. i used to make her read out from an old torn Sarat Chandra book... and sit and bounce on her tummy... broken innumerable specs.. but she has always been a darling...i still wait for the chops and cutlets which she sends occasionally whenever baba goes to Kolkata.. she brings in the aura of kol with her which is somehow warm and cosy... and every time she comes the squabbles ensues, fights over carrom and ridiculing her for the inability to play cards.. all the fun till she stays.. but when she prepares to leave each time there are tears in her eyes, a uncertainty in her otherwise generous smile... and when i bend down to touch her feet suddenly i don’t want her to go.. don’t want her to stay alone with arthritis-fested wobbly knees... so i hug her tight and brush of her tears, wave a sad good-bye and promise to shout out “DEEMS” (egg in Bengali) the next time i see her!! :D