Monday, 19 December 2011

Story of NOODLES !!!

I am sure everyone has heard the” two minute magi noodles” ad.... magi changed the course of instant home- made food... you can call it survival food! Many working people, students, trekkers, would go hungry if it haven't been for that fateful day when magi was launched into the market...

suddenly while eating magi today, an age old question popped in.. how was magi invented ,in a more refined way of calling it is instant noodles...  well as curious it got me i googled it to find out that it was invented in Japan and is actual derivative of the original noodles.....  as this whole magi and noodles thing had got me really interested i did a bit more digging into it......

But i couldn’t find the inventing story behind noodles! As a child i had asked my grand dad about the invention of my favorite food.... and he swiftly threaded a story, and till date i haven't been able to come up with a alternative story to prove him wrong! Well so here’s the story he narrated..

Many many 1000s of years ago, a magnificent Chinese warship was sailing the sea with the best Chinese cook was set to work for a grand dinner for his highness, the king of china.....

He was hard at it, preparing all the traditional Chinese food , and he was making a chunk of fermented dough, it’s a very a exhausting work... but he at last finished and kept it aside while he washed himself and took some time off.. . when he returned he had completely forgotten about the fermenting dough... later on when realised that the dough had got so fermented that it had rolled itself into thin thread like thing and was all over the table on which it was kept ( i know you would have a shocked expression, but hey, its a kids story! bereft of all logic!) in a panic he hurriedly made some sauce with herbs and served it to the king.... to his shocked happiness the king liked it so much that he called up the cook and asked him what was the new dish called.... the cook named it chow mein after his eldest son.... and so that's how chow mein was made (granddad concluded, giving me a triumphant smile to my aghast face)

And this story still sticks to me cause unfortunately i have failed to come with an alternative... who knows it might even be true!  


  1. maggi has prevented me 4m dieing of starvation !!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's but natural that u should write about maggi noodles!After all,it has been ur staple food since time eternal!
