Sunday, 26 February 2012

seven years....

Spinning, laughing, dancing to
Her favorite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
Is all alone

Eyes wide open
Always hoping for the sun
And she'll sing her song to anyone
That comes along

Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin' to the ground
Without a sound

Crooked little smile on her face
Tells a tale of grace
That's all her own

Spinning, laughing, dancing to her
Favorite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
And she's all alone

-norah jones (come away with me)

Monday, 20 February 2012

TIME- the beginning of an endless end.....

its got a peculiar relative property, and i bet the peculiarity hasn't gone unnoticed! people with the capability of utilising 3 or more than 3% of their brain power wonder and figure out theories to estimate and study it like the highly controversial theory of relativity by Einstein (hats off to his imaginative powers!) but for a lame and ordinary man with average IQ levels time is an entity.. a fourth dimension like many would want to consider... its equation (my conclusions have been)ie the passage of time is inversely proportional to what one wants!! 

for example: the many times you want the time to go by fast like when you are writing the last exam of the semester, or when you are cramped up in a train with a particularly fat person smelling not so pleasant, or the many awkward moments one has to seems to slog on for what would have been a whole milena of trampling dinosaurs!
on the contrary, the bizillions of times when you want the seconds to tick in a pace slower than the snail or sloth it takes to its fancy to race by the minutes like pico seconds! 

time seems infinite having no dimensions but still it has its beginning but never an end.. after every hour comes the next and so is the infinite loop.. we all are stuck in spiders web of time.. it has always been a bitch.. a witchy bitch!

Friday, 17 February 2012


its one of my favorite song since the movie was released! we sang it everywhere.. and even now listening to it makes me smile... if ever you haven't sung an absurd song while racing down the hill on a cycle or just wheezing through an empty road on a bike... well you haven't known what madness is! and even now when i take chitra on rides on "the scooty" (nicknamed phat phati) the ride-time songs are always sung and this being one of the all time favourites! :))

          GO PLAY!!!
                             AND ONLY SHOOTING STARS BREAK THEM OO OHOOO.....

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

veiled sadness.....


a veiled face, a burqa clad women..
 the gesture of surrender.. the heavy sigh as she leans over on the framework of the over-bridge.. through the hidden veil flows her tears...none notice, none care.... among all the amputed and time wrinkled beggars she stood out... faceless she was but even then she emitted a great misery... all lost, helpless...i wanted to reach out for her, comfort her..but like many others i rushed towards the platform.. like all the drones going for work i headed out for college.. but she was on my mind all the while.. a tremor, a defeated shrug , like all that was warm seeped out ... it was valentines day.. a celebration of love.. are we so blind and selfish that we choose to ignore the distress calls??.. is valentines day just celebration with your loved one and not the collective same species love... more refined way is humanism?!.. chuck valentine day and all the rubbish of love in the air, if one cant empathise or be compassionate....

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

waiting in the weeds

rays of illumination....

through the window tumbles the light...
tumbles into the dark room

illuminating darkness with its glowing tentacles...
lighting the darkened room...

Sunday, 12 February 2012

nannis will remain nannis!!!!

Through all the millions of years of human evolution i am pretty much sure that the relationship between nanny and grandchild has never changed... since a kid nanny is one of the “bestest” person on a child’s favorite person list... a general image of nanny being of a basic potato shaped cuddly warm thing with chubby fingers and a warm smile...

My dimu is no different! She practically full-fills all the categories.. a brilliant cook, a good story teller (especially herar deem).. i used to make her read out from an old torn Sarat Chandra book... and sit and bounce on her tummy... broken innumerable specs.. but she has always been a darling...i still wait for the chops and cutlets which she sends occasionally whenever baba goes to Kolkata.. she brings in the aura of kol with her which is somehow warm and cosy... and every time she comes the squabbles ensues, fights over carrom and ridiculing her for the inability to play cards.. all the fun till she stays.. but when she prepares to leave each time there are tears in her eyes, a uncertainty in her otherwise generous smile... and when i bend down to touch her feet suddenly i don’t want her to go.. don’t want her to stay alone with arthritis-fested wobbly knees... so i hug her tight and brush of her tears, wave a sad good-bye and promise to shout out “DEEMS” (egg in Bengali) the next time i see her!! :D

Thursday, 9 February 2012

its Feb yet again!!!

The beauty of months is each has it own speciality ,its own identity.... Feb is no different,marked by occasions days, fest (for college goers) , the near ending of winter, dawning of spring, chilly mornings, warm sun, games.....and yes its uniqueness of having an extra day to  its month!

Through all the years( not much really)Feb has transformed itself for me... in school it was all about sports day and annual functions, of practises and costumes and the collective complaining of inhuman makeup that teachers liked to believe made us look at our prettiest best for the performance...

And now in college its about going around in fests organising them having days to follow and tinge of romance in air... everything is more or less same.. the withering and blossoming.. the delightful tickle of the morning breeze...the burst of earthly colours as the train rushes by.. the days when i truly enjoy my companyless travel to college... Feb is like raisins in a plum cake... has its own surprising flavour to the otherwise predictable year.....

some days just go by thinking nothing......

Sunday, 5 February 2012

bubbles of happiness... OoOoOoooO

A transparent cage of my favourite dreams, wishes and moments.. i stare at the world beneath gliding through the landscapes of worldly things... blown away with the wind of my will... creating new bubbles of happiness so that next time it goes pop i jump into the next one... 
Fragile as they look i gaze through the rainbowed surface into the oblivion, happy in its moment, lost in its sweetness...they burst as soon as they are made but as long as they stay they are the most beautiful thing..! blow life into them and live the moment cause you never know when your bubble would go “pop” !!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

and she weeps....

Home they brought her warrior dead:
She nor swooned, nor uttered cry:
All her maidens, watching, said,
‘She must weep or she will die.’

Then they praised him, soft and low,
Called him worthy to be loved,
Truest friend and noblest foe;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.

Stole a maiden from her place,
Lightly to the warrior stepped,
Took the face-cloth from the face;
Yet she neither moved nor wept.

Rose a nurse of ninety years,
Set his child upon her knee—
Like summer tempest came her tears—
‘Sweet my child, I live for thee.’ 
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

why are tears the measuring device for one's strong mindedness... ??