A flash, murmurings, a scream, piercing noises the ones you
usually hear when your neighbor's kids pretends to be a cop with a realistic
toy gun.. how is it.. looking around in the dark hall seeing smoke and a masked
joker face. How..? baam.. pain searing through his body.. groping in the dark
to check for his friends.. feeling bodies some breathing some damp.. am i.. is
this... end?.. slipping..slipping into darkness a much profound one than which
he was leaving..
“mom can i get the batman balloon?!” his mom smiling down on him “oh ok.. i will
get you one!. C’mon we are getting late”. Mom and the kid hoped off hurriedly
into the crowd as it swayed towards the hall doors and the face of the batman bubbling up and down among the many heads... lights
dimmed and the starting credits rolled into the movie..scared of the dark he holds
his mom’s hands,she pats his head reassuringly... a flash,a smoke, murmurings, baam
baam , screams , the kid clenches the hand, never came the pat, nor came the
whispered reassurances.. through the smoke he saw a mask.. a joker... he lay their shocked to silence clenching his
perforated batman balloon and his mothers fingers in his two little fists......
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