Saturday, 31 March 2012

Beauty in randomness..or even the other way around

Whether its beauty in randomness or randomness is beauty is one and the same thing.. there is an explicit beauty in the random things which one chances to notice upon.. the haphazard random way the wild flowers grow over an equally tumbled down wall... or the random way the slum houses look from far away like they are a card castle (of course many might not think so.. but i really marvel that they hold their ground without toppling down by the breeze) a random smile on someone’s face, the frothing waves which emerge randomly from the sea and hit the shore creating nature's art on the sand, the cracks on glass which are seemingly random but yet create patterns (from a cracked mobile screen i have to look into every day!), the random way all the books and things around my room are kept (though this point is strongly opposed by ma.. again i have an anomalous concept for beauty).. such a concept was displayed by an artist in some art museum in Paris.. a room full of scattered rubbish right from tickets to thermocol to plastic bags were all scattered around.. we mistook it to be a room under cleaning but on enquiring was found that it was a work of art!! After all those years this came back to my mind that may be what the artist did want to convey was random things indeed has an appeal of its own.. and may be just may be modern art is about random strokes and thoughts creating a whole new picture (yes, i am still trying to come up with an explainable meaning for modern art)

And now that i got talking about randomness... may be fate is disguised randomness..... 

                         an instrument of patterned randomness....

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