Thursday, 17 April 2014

the fight for friendship and beyond

The fight for friendship and beyond
A time of roses and thorns
I was sparing a lad with his armor on
Couldn't see his face as we sparred on the lawn
A rose for every slash i made
A thorn for every bruise that would fade
People watching would find me ungrateful
A knight that answered every slash with a rose
For me i saw a thorns of the rose
And forget about the petalled core
soon the lad took off his armor
And i could see hurt in the clamor
As realization dawned it was too late
The rose was of petals and not thorns of fate
My blunder was irrevocable and unpardonable
But oh! I had fallen for him hard, which was undeniable
And all i could ask was for forgiveness
 For a knight like you doesn't deserve a girl like me in such foulness 

Friday, 4 April 2014

smile :)

Smile me through a path that's harsh
A Lil by Lil as we march
Through these treacherous road we walk
Waterfalls on one and and cliffs as white as chalk
But you make me smile on every single step
As we bound over the bridges and leap
Soon the road stretches too far
May be into a mad kings lair
But its an adventure i would like to have for a while
Cause you always make me smile.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


there is only so much a man can take
but i give up, for once i wished i didn't have watsapp.. for once in the many times i wish i was in an era of letters. where people took no liberties of staying mad forever, or where there was no space left for misunderstandings, or where feelings meant much more to dash them away.. i wish..
why my post.. i have had a tough day and a night emotionally taxing.. trying to save friendships , apologizing to people.. why i do? i don't know.. cause i care? i guess.. i do.. no matter how much i try..
does the time spent hold no value? does caring for some people whom you hold dear, not enough?
i am emotionally exhausted and spent.
seas are never smooth.. but when they are rough.. often the ship wrecks. the ship, the crew, the timbers all washed away swept to be never seen or found.. perhaps a few debris sweep up the beach.. painfully reminding of the once majestic ship with a crew of many...
friendships are similar... built with love and care the timbers.. the memories the crew.. whole together the ship.. once shattered is never placed back, never glued back.. and someday when you are sitting on a beach and sudden memory flashes by.. and you are painfully reminded of a once friendship, of a bond that once was so dear.
and when there are three ships sinking together at the same time.. its hard.. its more like a 100 typhoons raging over, howling but you are there trying to stire clear of it.. tugging the ropes hard.. holding on to the ships.. but will the hold stay? shall you see a new sun?