through my eyes......
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Saturday, 23 July 2016
The late late, very late almost morning post
It’s been a while since I found myself awake and sleepless
so late into the night, to be precise its 4:21:46-47 a.m EST. I never paid much
attention to time zones before, but here I am specifying which time zone I am in.
It makes matter complicated especially when a country has three time zones and
the time changing in every 6 months. We international student have hard time
calculating the time back home, especially when you have to remember which time
zone you are and then know if it’s day light saving or daylight wastage time of
the year. Why to make your life more complicated than it already is. Or then
again they are just trying to scare away Mexican immigrants by their
complexities of time system. That said, summer is here, I must say it is a
respite from the night is dark and full of terrors (you do get to know the
actually fears of winter after staying through the most mildest of all winters
in a 100 years) but I swear to god I probably smell like a
freshly fried beacon the moment I step out from the safety of my damp
apartment. This comes from a mumbaikar who has faced the stuffiest of summers
and monsoons in more stuffed train locals. Summers in which you actually felt
like carrying condensers only so you could breath (nerd joke alert) and also
spending some really long and complaining summers in Kolkata, I have been born
and raised in humidity and I find it unbearable in here.
Change of topic: pokemon go.. seems to be quite a thaang
right now, eh.. (yeah catching on the accent yo,) it has divided the whole of
the 7 billion (is it?) into 4 categories.
1. Pokemon go craziers- people whose life’s purpose
is to be the pokemasters , potentially everyone who plays it dreams about it .
Pokemon don’t carers – what? When? Bleh……
Pokemon non getters – people who are a fan but
have an incompetent phone. (me!)
Pokemon wanna bes, pretendzees ( i am really getting the hang of american vocab huh!) – people who know zilch about
pokemon but want to join the crazy herd.
The power that pokemon go has harnessed is incredibly freaky. It just proves
that a certain “something” is edging towards world domination. This might just
be a test trail for the real thing to come into operation. You will blame the
heat for my crazy conspiratorial talk, but don’t tell me you didn’t feel the
chill go down your spine when you saw masses of people running about crazed in
parks and sidewalk when someone claims to see a rare pokemon, or when you hear
weird stories about people leaving their jobs in conquest of being the pokemon
masters. (no this is not a talk out of jealousy either). Actually I got a
pretty interesting idea for a story right there. May be I will publish for the generation
which comes after there is a revolution and world domination comes to an end ( a book named, "told you so!", nothing sells better than an obnoxious self gloating title!)
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wake up world!!! |
I really don’t know why staying up late
makes my nose an oil field! It will save US lot of trouble to just harvest the
oils from my nose than meddling their nose into others affairs. till then PIKA
Oh and a very interesting theory on the
world of pokemon, check it out if you want your happy pokeworld to shatter
Thursday, 14 April 2016
philosopher's ramblings: Part 1
DISCLAIMER: Dark mood ahead.
Remember the time when you promised yourself you will not
change what you are, that you love yourself the way you are. But just like the
moon morphing itself gradually with time you change too. Whether you like it or
not. You are not what you were 5 years ago, hell not even few seconds ago. Some
people say “never change yourself” think again are they giving you a good
advise or a bad one. Change is happening and whether you want that to happen or
Sometimes you feel like the captain of the ship, who has no
control on the winds which is forcing the ship go in the direction its not
suppose to go. Its strange when you look back to all the things you did and
thought you did do. The explanations you had for all kinds of theories, the
ample possibility of your kaleidoscopic imagination, when you actually thought you
could win the world with your imagination super power. And then suddenly while
you were sniffing benzol in the lab you come across a bottle of ammonia and
recoil with disgust, but by then the smell stays, obliterating any traces
of the sweet scent of benzol. The sting of ammonia knocking on the peeling
black door of reality.
If someone asked me why did you change if you didn’t want
to? I would answer him by smacking his head with a heavy book of “on the origin
of species”(by Charles Darwin). The whole book boils down to this point that “if
you ain't changing you ain't surviving”.
If you had the power to be how you were, would you go back
to your old self? A Penny for your
Thursday, 28 January 2016
the first...
It’s 28th Jan 2016, I think I have not been that
late for wishing everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I don’t believe the year is old
enough (abhi toh saal jawaan hai). I know
I am rusty and I feel like the old librarian trying to find the book which she
knew she had stacked somewhere in the labyrinths of shelves. Anyhow, for the
lack of any creative spurts and the disinterest of doing the homework (yeah,
you read it right.. HOMEWORK!) hear me ramble, if you please.
I had a decent year I would say and “decent” only cause I had
pretty high ups and low lows, so they kind of cancel out and settle somewhere
in the middle. I was lucky enough to camp in couple of relatives places and
friends. A failed birthday surprised in Texas, a risky interstate drive to Nebaraska
and being rewarded by the heavenly view, magical Disneyland , not a snowy Christmas,
cold and chilly new York with someone warm to hold on to (wink wink). I have
loved my trips and tedious long flights. And believe it or not I have loved
staying with my aunts and uncles. I know I had stated contrary on some posts
about my relatives but that’s what a foreign land does to you. You yearn for
that familiarity and you try to find it anywhere even if it means going to a
dingy Indian market and hearing gujus talk (no offence :P)
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the magic wand! |
It all sounds very romantic for now, but wait till you have
to see that for the next three months and the white snow doesn’t stay white
anymore! (what a delusion!)
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white wonder! (my backyard) |
I could have gone on but I guess I have spoken long enough
for now.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
zombie ramblings..
Imagine when a rocket shoots straight into the sky and suddenly runs out of fuel, it suspends mid air waits facing upwards for few seconds, anticipating the next move and baam you are speeding towards concrete jungle leaving a fire trail crashing through empty building, smashing zombies, setting fire to zombie clubs..which had zombies doing zombie moves with zombie music with zombie beats. And then, the rocket door opens with zombie astronauts come out with half burnt bodies gnawing at their suits having no idea that minutes before they were at the peak of their lives.
Hence inferred, I am in a very dark mood, as opposed to my rainbows and ballet doing zombies with cute pink frocks. Why the rants about zombies? cause i haven't seen the recent walking dead scenes and have been avoiding twd spoilers which are sprayed all over the net. (and also i dont need the excuse for my zombie drooling). For people who really want to know the reason behind my dark mood and also if they could find any analogy between my rocket suspending and zombie dancing you would know that I am talking about the relativity between happiness and time speed ( i know you would have seen it!)
There are times when you feel it's a dream and you wake up to someother world. mostly you feel so when things are going too good or too bad in which case you would just hope you wake up in a less worse place than you are. You did have a walk holding hands and wonder if it's real, Laugh at some stupid joke and wonder if the time would come back again. The constant questioning of reality. The answer to which just seems vague. When you start feeling dizzy with these speculations you just take a sigh and go with the flow. You come out from the speculative sphere and for that moment which was standstill, that moment when you were admiring the world, the people, the feeling, is the moment when the rocket stands stills till you come out of it and crash into the "reality" if you believe so and crash into the rawness and messy lives of zombies. Cause when you are a zombie you don't question you let the disease control you.
We needn't be the bloody, gory, limb missing, bad hair day zombies. The absence of spark is what a zombie truly is. WELOME TO THE ZOMBIE WORLD!
In celebration of being zombies..
Hence inferred, I am in a very dark mood, as opposed to my rainbows and ballet doing zombies with cute pink frocks. Why the rants about zombies? cause i haven't seen the recent walking dead scenes and have been avoiding twd spoilers which are sprayed all over the net. (and also i dont need the excuse for my zombie drooling). For people who really want to know the reason behind my dark mood and also if they could find any analogy between my rocket suspending and zombie dancing you would know that I am talking about the relativity between happiness and time speed ( i know you would have seen it!)
There are times when you feel it's a dream and you wake up to someother world. mostly you feel so when things are going too good or too bad in which case you would just hope you wake up in a less worse place than you are. You did have a walk holding hands and wonder if it's real, Laugh at some stupid joke and wonder if the time would come back again. The constant questioning of reality. The answer to which just seems vague. When you start feeling dizzy with these speculations you just take a sigh and go with the flow. You come out from the speculative sphere and for that moment which was standstill, that moment when you were admiring the world, the people, the feeling, is the moment when the rocket stands stills till you come out of it and crash into the "reality" if you believe so and crash into the rawness and messy lives of zombies. Cause when you are a zombie you don't question you let the disease control you.
We needn't be the bloody, gory, limb missing, bad hair day zombies. The absence of spark is what a zombie truly is. WELOME TO THE ZOMBIE WORLD!
Monday, 14 September 2015
notes from seas apart
I am finally here! Can you (random)guys believe it! (pretending i have regular viewers) all the slogging and tantrums and mood swinging to moon and back, the sweat drenching anxiety ridden long wait has finally FINALLY bought me away from home. Just not away, but seven seas, 13,568 km, 10 hours away!! It just doesn't set into me. Every morning i wake up and see it's 11 and wonder how come my door hasn't been broken down yet by my early to rise parents, i just groan at the time and stuff my head back into the pillow. You do realise while reading this basket of jumbled sentences i have finally set my foot out, out from my loving over protective very happening bengali family, from the city of dreams and love to some place strange and wonderful and adventurous.
I am over romanticizing. You are hit by the ruthless and demanding nature of grocery shopping, the attention seeking laundry and the requirements of doing the dishes. You get the picture right?
But alls not that dull and dutiful. There is the amazing weather if you like -20s! And dazzling white-white skins if you are a racist. And a loving (south) indian community who seem to think telugu is the language of prime importance. So yeah, I am in paradise. It's like someone just cleaned your dirty specs. It's like you were living in a room where you could see brownian motion and someone just switched on the vaccum cleaner and the air was clean. (i know horrible joke)
I am home sick and euphoric at the same moment, most of the times. It's so surreal that i feel its inception. My nightmare being I have picked up their lethal drawl. Next to the aussie's rotten accent I think American drawl tops the list. Cross your fingers that I don't pick up with the top 3 disgusting accents which includes overdone american- indian (NRI wannabes) accent.
I thought i should fill in with tit bits of life. I had the most filmy farewells(truly), the most teary goodbyes (yeah right!) and the un-happening flight (other than when i was expecting breakfast they give you lunch!)
The only reason why i suddenly got time to write this rambling done is cause i seem to find time when i am always short of time. Amazingly me! I amaze me man! chalo I hope to catch up with you soon my ""imaginary"" "regular" readers. No I don't think i am some psychic kid having imaginary friends, atleast i hope not! :/
I am over romanticizing. You are hit by the ruthless and demanding nature of grocery shopping, the attention seeking laundry and the requirements of doing the dishes. You get the picture right?
But alls not that dull and dutiful. There is the amazing weather if you like -20s! And dazzling white-white skins if you are a racist. And a loving (south) indian community who seem to think telugu is the language of prime importance. So yeah, I am in paradise. It's like someone just cleaned your dirty specs. It's like you were living in a room where you could see brownian motion and someone just switched on the vaccum cleaner and the air was clean. (i know horrible joke)
I am home sick and euphoric at the same moment, most of the times. It's so surreal that i feel its inception. My nightmare being I have picked up their lethal drawl. Next to the aussie's rotten accent I think American drawl tops the list. Cross your fingers that I don't pick up with the top 3 disgusting accents which includes overdone american- indian (NRI wannabes) accent.
I thought i should fill in with tit bits of life. I had the most filmy farewells(truly), the most teary goodbyes (yeah right!) and the un-happening flight (other than when i was expecting breakfast they give you lunch!)
The only reason why i suddenly got time to write this rambling done is cause i seem to find time when i am always short of time. Amazingly me! I amaze me man! chalo I hope to catch up with you soon my ""imaginary"" "regular" readers. No I don't think i am some psychic kid having imaginary friends, atleast i hope not! :/
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